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Diatomaceous earth, calcined

4 569 UAH32 979UAH

Catalog number Brand Name Unit pack Application Price, UAH Available Quantity
K/0100/60 Fisher Chemical Kieselguhr, pure, washed with acid 1KG 0
K/0100/53 Fisher Chemical Kieselguhr, pure, washed with acid 500G 0
D3877-5KG Fluka Diatomaceous earth, Powder, suitable for most filtrations 5KG Filter Aids 32,979
D3877-500G Fluka Diatomaceous earth, Powder, suitable for most filtrations 500G Filter Aids 5,782
D3877-1KG Fluka Diatomaceous earth, Powder, suitable for most filtrations 1KG Filter Aids 9,260
22142-1KG Fluka Celite® 577 fine, Filter aid, calcined 1KG Filter Aids 4,569

Silicon dioxide
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