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6 % ціанопропілфеніл 94 % диметилполісилоксан капілярні колонки Zebron ZB-624, ZB-624plus

23 991 грн113 137грн


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Ensure accurate and reproducible results in your GC-MS analyses.

Phenomenex GC columns portfolio covers a wide range of applications. From the simplest to the most challenging method, our GC column technology allows to deliver high performance, faster analysis with optimal resolution and separation of the most complex matrices. Every GC stationary phase comes in different sizes so you can find the perfect match for your target analytes.

Explore our wide range of GC capillary columns and application-specific proprietary phases for environmental, food and cannabis, forensics, pharma, fuels, and specialty chemicals analyses.

Low bleed

Excellent retention

High sensitivity

Extended lifetime 

Recommended Use:

ZB-624 - Used to separate volatile organic flavor and fragrance additives and residual solvents in industrial or pharmaceutical products (OVIs)

ZB-624plus - Enhanced peak shape with superior deactivation and increased sensitivity for high boiling solvent, extremely low bleed for GC-MS with high temperature stability (300/320°C)

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