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Kinetex колонки для РХ з поверхнево пористим сорбентом

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Артикул Назва Функціональна група Фаза Розмір пор, Å Розмір зерна сорбенту, мкм Довжина колонки, мм Внутрішній діаметр колонки, мм Ціна, грн Наявність Кількість
{{option.sku}} {{option.name}} {{ option.func_group}} {{ option.phase}} {{ option.pore_size}} {{ option.particle_size}} {{ option.length}} {{ option.int_diameter}} {{option.price.toLocaleString()}} {{option.balance}}

The Core-Shell Advantage


Kinetex Core-Shell Technology delivers dramatic improvements in efficiency over conventional fully porous media which can be leveraged to increase resolution, greatly improve productivity, reduce solvent consumption, and decrease costs. Whether you are running HPLC or UHPLC methods, the Kinetex core-shell family can deliver shockingly improved performance over the current column you are using. Phenomenex designs, manufactures, and sells its very own silica and organo-silica core-shell particles. The combination of a consistent, solid high density core along with proprietary column packing technologies ensures optimum bed structure and high column performance.


Performance gains on ANY LC system

System-to-system and lab-to-lab method portability

Improve the productivity of older, established methods

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