{{ cart_product.name }}
Колонки з клонованою селективністю
0 грн – 49 774 440грн
Артикул | Назва | Оригінальна селективність | Функціональна група | Фаза | Розмір пор, Å | Розмір зерна сорбенту, мкм | Довжина колонки, мм | Внутрішній діаметр колонки, мм | Ціна, грн | Наявність | Кількість | ||
{{option.sku}} | {{option.name}} | {{ option.selective}} | {{ option.func_group}} | {{ option.phase}} | {{ option.pore_size}} | {{ option.particle_size}} | {{ option.length}} | {{ option.int_diameter}} | {{option.price.toLocaleString()}} | {{option.balance}} |
Bondclone HPLC Columns - Guaranteed Replacement to µBondapak® Columns
Phenomenex Bondclone columns have been developed to provide chromatographic behavior that mimics that of Waters µBondapak columns. Bondclone columns provide excellent column-to-column reproducibility and are available for immediate shipment. For new HPLC/UHPLC methods, upgrade to Luna Omega columns.
Chrom-Clone HPLC Columns - A Cost Effective, Guaranteed Direct Replacement to Kromasil® Based Columns
Chrom-Clone columns are packed and manufactured only by Phenomenex, thereby reducing the chance of column-to-column variation. They come in popular C18 and C8 stationary phases for reversed phase analysis.
HyperClone is a GUARANTEED alternative to Hypersil™ at a fraction of the cost
Phenomenex HyperClone columns have been developed to provide chromatographic behavior that mimics that of Thermo Hypersil columns. For comparative applications, please contact your local Phenomenex representative.
InertClone HPLC Columns - Guaranteed Replacement to Inertsil®
Phenomenex InertClone columns have been developed to provide chromatographic behavior that mimics that of GL Sciences Inertsil columns. For comparative applications, please contact your local Phenomenex representative.
SphereClone HPLC Columns - Guaranteed Replacement to Spherisorb®
Phenomenex SphereClone columns have been developed to provide chromatographic behavior that mimics that of Waters Spherisorb columns.
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